All the pieces are slow, and sustainably made pieces, by moi!🦋

Why Slow Fashion?

⚡️Currently, fashion accounts for up to 10% of global carbon dioxide output—more than international flights and shipping combined.
⚡️It accounts for a fifth of the 300 million tons of plastic produced globally each year. 🥴
⚡️It’s also the second largest polluter of water globally.
⚡️ Workers in fast fashion industries are treated so poorly: Low wages, long work hours, toxic and unsafe conditions, sexual abuse, and physical assaults are numerous. Also child and slave labour is common.

By shopping for natural fibres, vintage and sustainably made pieces, with fair working wages, you can make a big statement towards making the world a better, fairer, safer place.

Our wardrobes are an act of activism. I hope to help you act! ✨